If you are a regular coffee drinker, you need to know the health benefits of drinking coffee without sugar. And it is really hard to ignore it.
Here are reasons why unsweetened coffee is good for you:
1. Reduce the risk of diabetes
According to data from the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, coffee consumption reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes in women by 8%. Adding any sweetener can increase your blood sugar, but plain coffee does not.
However, some studies have also shown that caffeine can impair insulin sensitivity. Therefore, people with diabetes can drink unsweetened coffee but in moderation and after consulting a doctor.
2. Reduce the risk of heart disease
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death in people globally. Studies have found that drinking caffeine can reduce the risk of heart disease.
A study published in Ochsner Magazine shows that consuming coffee can be good for your heart. However, caffeine only has an effect if you consume it without sugar.
3. Improve memory
Do you often forget things or have trouble remembering them? Sipping a cup of coffee can improve your memory.
A study conducted by Johns Hopkins University has found that consuming pure coffee can help improve your memory.
4. Supports weight loss
If you are someone who is trying to lose weight, you can include drinking coffee without sugar or milk in your weight loss diet.
A study published in the journal Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition shows that caffeine consumption can help reduce body mass index (BMI) and overall weight.
Consuming caffeine increases thermogenesis, which increases your body’s energy output and metabolism, thus helping you burn more calories.
5. Reduce the risk of fatty liver disease
Caffeine digestion leads to the production of a substance called paraxanthine, which inhibits the formation of scar tissue that contributes to cirrhosis.
According to a study published in Frontiers in Pharmacology magazinewhich may be beneficial in the fight against hepatitis C, alcoholic cirrhosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and liver cancer.
6. Prevent tooth decay
Drinking coffee without added sugar or cream may help reduce bacteria in the mouth and reduce the risk of tooth decay. A study published in Journal of Conservative Dentistry shows that drinking coffee without any additives reduces the risk of tooth decay.
7. Blood pressure control
High blood pressure can increase your risk of heart disease, so it’s important to keep your blood pressure under control.
According to a study published in the journal Nutrientsdrinking coffee can lower blood pressure. However, researchers from the same study advise people not to drink coffee in moderation because consuming too much can also increase blood pressure levels.
Note: When drinking coffee without sugar
– People with sensitive stomachs or digestive problems because drinking it can easily irritate the stomach and make your condition worse. It can cause bloating, constipation, flatulence and diarrhea.
– If you are allergic to caffeine, you should avoid drinking or eating these food products as it can cause an allergic reaction and lead to other complications.